alright, I’m bored and my depression is spiking so I’m going to get something off my chest, this is something I’ve felt kinda guilty for doing but I know I shouldn’t. very very very minor spoilers for mass effect and dragon age games.
I’ll admit I’m a sucker for a good romance, though I rarely like them to be the focus of the story and hate it more when it feels forced in. I’m also a video gamer and an avid role player (pen and paper and forum play by posts included). and one thing bioware as been doing a great (though far far from perfect) job of doing lately is opening up more role playing options and romance options within that.
the two have been a great combination for me, and a great chance to express myself. the problem is that my characters always go for the same type of guys, in mass effect it’s kaiden, never winter nights two (not bioware but it was based off there work) it was cassivir, dragon age two it was Anders (alister came close for the first game but he doesn’t quite fit) these are all protective guys, kaiden especially talks about how he wants to protect your charecter and they all talk about how they don’t want to see any harm come the charecter. now my characters are not weak women in dragons age 2 my version of hawke stood in front of a man twice her size and as a mage challenged him to one on one combat (mages are not made for going into a fight alone) my version of shepard has talked (face to hologram) to entities so old and powerful as to be on the edge of comprehension, and she’s done this without flinching and telling them that she will not go down without a fight, and that they better be ready to find her fighting back at every instances. and in all these games it is quite easily my character saving her love interest despite how I like the conversation to go once there somewhere safe.
I know that since I do my best to bring these characters to life and flesh them out to be real 3 dimensional characters this shouldn’t feel like paradox but the constancy of this has always gotten to me a little. also one of the things that annoys me is that I have yet to come across a female character with those sorts of dialogue options I would love to see a girl character in one of these games fill that romance role.